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tv   Good Morning Washington at 430  ABC  March 29, 2012 4:30am-5:00am EDT

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i'm john donvan, in washington. please, please, we all can dream. >> thanks for watching. >> live and in hd, this is "good morning washington," on your side. the firstt ahead, of george zimmerman captured moments after the death martin.on what they show and what the shooter's father says about the controversy. good morning, washington. thursday, march 29. i am cynne simpson. >> i'm natasha barrett. traffic and weather first period steve rudin. >> not a bad start to our thursday. at skies gradually clearing and mild temperatures for the morning. 62 degrees at reagan national airport. dulles airport. 59 at winchester.
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the cold front moved through afternoon and brought some showers and embedded thunderstorms. it did not amount to much. cooler, drier air funnels across now. 60-65 this afternoon under partly to mostly sunny skies. it will be a cold night ahead. freeze warnings and frost us.ings to the west of first, lisa baden has traffic. 270 out of frederick into county, a very nice. looks nice in clarksburg. travel times in our favor between father hurley boulevard and the beltway. across the american legion bridge. normal on 66 between centreville y.d the beltwa this is 95 traffic in springfield. they are moving overnight construction. back to you. >> thank you. police are looking for a
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who led officers on a chase from prince george's county into d.c. the chase began at eastern road. and ridge the suspect hit a police cruiser. the officer is ok. e suspect's vehicle was found hamilton street in northeast. will bring you the latest as we get more. >> turning to the latest in the trayvon martin case. getting a first look at said he killed the florida teenager. video shows george handcuffed, being escorted into the police station after the shooting. the neighborhood watch volunteer be to he told police that trayvon martin and punched him in the nose and bashed his head against the ground before he shot the teenager. >> trayvon martin said something to the effect of you tonight.g to die now or
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george andd to beat some point george pulled his id.tol and did what he >> martin's family says their victim of racial profiling. another development, illinois ore aessman bobby rush w could be on the house for death of trayvon. he was reprimanded for house rules. and a film director spike lee for listing of a asrida couple posing home george zimmerman's residents. >> we are hearing from the of a teenager shot and killed by d.c. police. police arrived at 51st street in t yesterday afternoon for a drug complaint. when officers arrived, a 19-
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boldend named captain shot at them and police shot back. you would of thought says eight people got shot. shots, but no police officer got shot. >> police say neighbors saw the shooting unfold and are backing report.fficer's police are investigating. county highe's wear pinkdents will diednor a classmate who suddenly at surrattsville high school in clinton. tekau rasayon, 17, collapsed while running around the track during gym class. she died at the hospital. father describes some of his her. moments with >> we were dancing last night cotillion ball that she
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have going on. in on were doing the waltz and were teasing each other. >> her father said that she told felt and chest before she fell to the ground. he said that she was a ofetarian and had no history heart disease and was extremely preserving as leader of the >> president obama is renewing for congress to end tax breaks to oil companies. today he will urge congress to end to the billions in taxpayer dollars handed out to oil companies every year. is expected to suggest how the spent on clean energy. a painful milestone regarding prices this morning, average is four dollars a gallon over our area. the national price is $3.91. in d.c., $4.15. 01 in maryland, but only
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$3.86 in virginia. >> not much relief. more d.c. residents seem to be of the capital. but where are they going? and americans remain out of work. linda bell joins us with those d more. an good morning >> . let's begin with the good times as thee back for economy recovers. but at an average pay hike of 2% year to $9.6 million. the unemployment remains averagely high for the at 8.3% as of february. jobs are back in focus on wall street. investors getting the weekly figures ahead of the opening bell. stock-index futures are little changed. are trapped into the bright lights of the big
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city. aslout from the recession americans moving shorter distances. maryland hist suburbs account for the majority of people g d.c. other d.c. dollars left for montgomery county, maryland, and arlington. is doing something new that may make a few ditch your takeout menu. and there is bus already for the that's coming up in the next hour. there is already buzz. >> it is 61 degrees outside. much more to come. millions frenzy. the jackpot for friday got a little bigger. >> falling in line behind the front runner. a rumored vice-presidential candidate and former presidents support behind mitt
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romney. support behind mitt romney. and the changes in the
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buying this juicer online was unbelievable. what a bargain! [ female announcer ] sometimes a good deal turns out to be not such a good deal. but new bounty gives you value you can see. in this lab demo, one sheet of new bounty leaves this surface cleaner than two sheets of the leading ordinary brand. so you can clean this mess with half as many sheets. bounty has trap and lock technology to soak up big spills and lock them in. why use more when you can use less? new bounty. the clean picker upper.
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>> thursday morning. don steve rudin in the belfort furniture weather center. start in terms of temperatures. if low 60's at reagan national airport. degrees. 58 at dulles airport.
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maryland, cooler air funneling in. over us.sure we had a few showers and thunderstorms yesterday that did not amount to much. from tonight into tomorrow freeze there is a maryland,r western including garrett county, county, and parts of west virginia. 60-65 degrees for the daytime y to mostlyy cloud sunny. first, lisa baden has a look at traffic. go to a picture of oxon hill traffic. s 295 northbound and southbound, north of the beltway all the way to andrews air force base. 495 is quiet. good at the good luck
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road. park. college berdi serene trip in montgomery 495, moving nicely. giving you the green light through northeast and southeast and it looks good across the bridge, through alexandria, cans into springfield. >> this amazing video shows how it was for people fleeing a deadly fire near denver. the wildfire is 15% contained. 27 homes have been destroyed and than 4,000 acres burned. an elderly couple died and a woman is missing. hundreds of homes had to be evacuated. >> a terrifying situation. looking at 60 degrees this morning. new details about the former tsa official at the center of a scandal and in a maryland suburb. and the jetblue pilots who n is facingmeltdow federal charges. >> two big endorsement for mitt
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♪ ♪ pop goes the world ♪ it goes something like this ♪ everybody here is a friend of mine ♪ ♪ everybody, tell me, have you heard? ♪ ♪ pop goes the world ♪ pop goes the world [ female announcer ] pop in a whole new kind of clean with new tide pods... a powerful three-in-one detergent that cleans, brightens, and fights stains. pop in. stand out.
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turning to the 2012 campaign. mitt romney has picked up two for endorsements in his bid the republican presidential nomination. says formerign president george h. w. bush will formally endorse romney during an event in houston today. the former massachusetts ofernor also won the support rubio. senator mark o. a continued primary fight that
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only hurt efforts to defeat barack obama. >> the quicker we can focus on better offtives, the be as a movement and the countryoff the will be. he is also seen as a possible contender for vice-president. presentedattorneys their third day of arguments at the supreme court. the justices questioned whether laws couldcare thein in effect even if out thats thrown requires americans to purchase health care. the jetblue pilot whose erratic behavior led to an emergency is charged with a flight crew.h this comes as we learn more what happened on that
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plane. according to an affidavit, said thelayton osbon make it to las vegas and he rambled about the pilot totold faith.leap of he has been suspended and is held at the texas hospital. we're learning more about the tsa manager at the center of prostitution investigation. month police raided the hotel in silver found nearly one dozen people naked or scantily clothed. jay korff has the latest. >> bryant livingston claimed to runs airporthat he dulles. at montgomery county authorities the also ran a at out ofon ring plaza06 at the crown spring. silver >> that's crazy. >> residents that live across the street are stunned by the allegation. >> that is interesting. court records show of gerber
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is 15 a hotel manager noticed livingston escorting multiple from the lobby up to his the fifth floor. she noticed an unusual number of seople on that and other night out of that room and into that room. called police. observeds pampa 11 people inside the room to include three-e-mails and four mails attempting to get dressed. >> its crazy. >> a man who describes himself a federal agency manager, the he would beders why moonlighting. >> people do all kinds of things to make money. >> at least one person has to paying $100 to enter room and engage in sexual activity. according to court documents, a agent informed authorities that a similar complaint was made against livingston and in 2009,
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there's nothing to indicate what if documents done about that complaint. outside dulles international airport, and jay korff. disturbing news about fairfax county. a survey question students in grade through 12th grade. them had been of bullied more than 20 times in 14% said they were bullied on line. if one-third know someone who by cyberremely hurt bullying. >> metro could have millions of funding government provided h year.llion eac maryland, d.c., and virginia have been matched that amount by receiving $50 million each. now there is a proposal to $15 million. >> it could be years before the next phase of the dulles rail
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project gets on track. the word from the loudoun of supervisors. leaders recently said they need to decide whether they out for the second phase from ruston to the dulles airport and into loudoun county. >> another look at traffic and weather every ten minutes. temperatures are. are >> yes it is. t a bad start to our thursday morning. national airport. 59 in martinsburg, 55 in frederick. change,our temperature are 14 degrees warmer than yesterday at reagan national airport. on the wayoler air later this afternoon. e cold front that moved through late yesterday brought showers embedded thunderstorms. to a lot. amount if the wind will pick up by sunrise.
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gusts will exceed 25 miles an hour. garrett county and allegany county, west virginia looking at warning late-night into early tomorrow morning. nothing for the immediate metro area. temperatures are expected to remain well above freezing. futurecast looks like this. high pressure over nevada and showers late of night into saturday morning. 60-65 for the daytime high, wind out of the northwest. mainly clear for the overnight. temperatures in the 30's. tomorrow it will be one of those have mildere temperatures to the south and r air to thede north. 50's, low to mid 60's. a nice once we get the showers out of the way early saturday morning. sunshine on sunday. temperatures will want to nearly 70 on monday. update on traffic with lisa baden. good morning. good on 81, route 11,
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70, 95 between richmond and baltimore. normal travel times. good traffic from southern maryland. and we will take you to 495, boulevard, overnight at new hampshire is complete. 66 and 95 moving nicely. all the way to the beltway are the headlights in this camera. back to you. >> thank you. 4:52. degrees -- >> we will get some people get lucky with the you're on timeout leo!
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some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof. some things will. save up to 20% on an ikea kitchen.
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millions won the mega jackpot, so the drawing on l be worth nearly $500 million. sounds amazing. the excitement grows. >> some people hoping for a prize --this historic >> that's exactly what i'm thinking. this luckyabout germantown and made a ticket.trip for a nobody to a call last night's $350 million jackpot. people got pretty close. person matched five numbers ticket inng a middletown, virginia. n d.c., twoson i maryland, one of them
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insights bill. one person shows five winning a 7-eleven in germantown. >> i wish it was me. i bought one last night and i need to check my numbers. time when the hopes will come out to play. full come out to play. >> i just bought five tickets. >> and alfonso is still playing his odds all over town. >> , and stores are you going to? >> about 5. . >> to win opportunity exists. we have until tomorrow. i need to get my ticket. it is 60 degrees. >> still ahead next half-hour, game for the-die washington capitals.
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tim brant looks at their chances in tonight's match up with .oston >> and a number of new developments in the trayvon including new video of the george zimmerman hours including new video of the george zimmerman hours incidene buying this juicer online was unbelievable. what a bargain! [ female announcer ] sometimes a good deal turns out to be not such a good deal. but new bounty gives you value you can see. in this lab demo, one sheet of new bounty leaves this surface cleaner than two sheets of the leading ordinary brand. so you can clean this mess with half as many sheets. bounty ha3 trap an ltechnology to soak up big spills and lock them in. why use more when you can use less? new bounty. the clean picker upper.
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>> straight ahead at 5:00, the latest in the trayvon martin investigation. of surveillance video shooter george zimmerman,


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